Sunday, May 29, 2011


New week, new route -- the Promenade! I felt like changing it up a bit. Just call me Daisy Miller...

Sometimes it is a bit annoying to live all the way at the edge of Brooklyn (Manhattanites: think East End Avenue -- faaaaar over), but there are some advantages. Super easy access to the Brooklyn Heights Promenade is one of those things. The Promenade is a lovely stretch of a thin, park-like space overlooking the East River and the Manhattan skyline. It is parallel to my beloved Brooklyn Bridge Park, but higher up -- much higher up!

Last time I tried this path was on a Sunday evening and I felt like I was there with just about everyone else in Brooklyn. Great for people-watching, but a little crowded. This morning was much better -- just me and a few fellow runners/walkers enjoying the morning air.

I hope you love crooked Hipstamatic photos as much as I do...

Summer has made a bit of an appearance in New York, and this has started me thinking about my workout schedule for the next few months. I do NOT like the heat and humidity of summer in NYC, so I won't be able to head out for a run any ol' time. Early mornings or late evenings are definitely the way to go to avoid a total meltdown. Going for a run at 10pm isn't going to be great for my sleep schedule (I am a night owl by nature -- I don't need to be a night owl hopped up on endorphins), so I think I'll need to shoot for AM workouts. I really do want to try to train myself to wake up earlier and keep a normal bedtime, so maybe this will be the push I need to fix my wacky internal clock.

I may also need to think about getting myself back into the gym. I was a gym rat for YEARS, but lately I just want to be outside. I use the gym in my building, which is nice but not quite as equipped as my old friend New York Sports Club (I was a member for years).
Not bad when I can have it to myself
Fewer crazies, though -- that is a big bonus! (Maybe I'll do a post about all of the various nuts I used to see at my gym. I wonder what Zombie Man is up to these days...). The nice thing about using gym equipment is I can really monitor my time/speed and push myself in a different way. And enjoy the lovely, lovely air conditioning.

Do you adjust your workout routine in the summer? Or are you a lot tougher than me and don't mind a little extra sweat?


  1. I adjust my workout to have runs either really early or late--but really I prefer the gym if I can!

  2. I am definitely one of those crazies that likes to workout when it's hot. Bikram addict right here. I would rather run in the hot verses the cold. Easier to sweat - easier to feel like I am doing something. :) Other than that, you know I need my AC!

  3. Vanessa -- maybe I'll rediscover my inner gym rat again this summer ;)

    Kristen -- again, I shall blame my old age. I remember in HS going out for runs in the summer during the hottest part of the day (because I usually slept until 11am), and I certainly got sweaty, I apparently didn't mind enough to get my butt up any earlier. Maybe I need to try to Bikram to build up my tolerance again!
